Frank Pinter

Frank Pinter

Ph.D in Business Economics 2022
Antitrust Economist, Bureau of Economics, U.S. Federal Trade Commission
Frank Pinter

Frank Pinter is an economist specializing in industrial organization. His research studies the effects of environmental policy in imperfectly competitive markets. Since summer 2022, he has been an antitrust economist in the Bureau of Economics at the US Federal Trade Commission.

Frank earned a PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University in May 2022. His dissertation, on empirical industrial organization and environmental policy, was advised by Ariel Pakes, Robin Lee, and Dennis Yao.

Before graduate school he worked at The Brattle Group, an economic consulting firm, where he worked with discrete choice demand modeling on a class action antitrust case, used machine learning tools for text analysis on large collections of documents, and ran lots of regressions. Before that he studied economics and mathematics at the University of Chicago, with digressions into programming and applied machine learning.